Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/14/2011 - 14:45

I know that this is already on the question section of the journal, but would you rather stay at McMurdo station or at one of the AGO? Why?


Michelle Brown

Hello Hoang,Thank you for your question! My answer is both, however I'm glad I'm
only staying at the AGO for 10 days or so (unless we get caught in a
When I first found out about my acceptance to the PolarTREC program, I
was scheduled to just stay at McMurdo. I was very excited about this
because I knew it wouldn't be too challenging and I was really excited
about the research. However, I must admit that I was looking forward to
my Happy Camper experience out on the ice for two days to give me a
taste of what a more challenging experience would be like. A while
after I had been accepted, I discovered that Bob and Andy would like to
include a teacher (me) with them at the AGO site. I was so grateful for
the opportunity since I would then be able to experience both aspects of
I will let you know after the whole trip is over if my thoughts have
changed, but for right now I feel like I have the best of both worlds to
experience them both!