Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 08:07

Questions from Ms. Brown's 4th Period 8th Grade Science Class


Hi Ms. Brown,I hope Anaritica is going good. We have a few questions. Have you seen any animals? Was it uncomfortable sleeping in those yellow tents? Has anyone got to cold where they get sick? And thats about it! Thanks!

Michelle Brown

Hello!Yes, Antarctica is going well!
I have seen animals! So far I've seen a Skua (a big bird that likes to
eat people's food!), a Weddell Seal, and tiny organisms called pteropods
that swim around under the sea ice.
I didn't get to sleep in a yellow tent (called a Scott Tent), but I will
have one (as a restroom) when I'm out at the AGO site (400 miles from
the South Pole). At Happy Camper training, I slept in a mountain tent,
which is what many researchers sleep in when they are out in the field.
It was plenty warm!
There is a big sickness that goes around here every year. It is called
the "crud" and it involves a fever and feeling pretty lousy. Luckily I
don't have it, although I do have a runny nose and slight cough (maybe a
slight cold). It's hard to tell because it's so cold, your nose will be
runny anyways!
Great questions! Keep them coming!
Michelle (Ms. Brown)