We are studying the human body system in 7th Grade Science. My class had some great questions for the team about the human body.
How much melatonin do you think your body is creating? - Russ
Do you sweat less when you excercise in Antartica, since sweat keeps you cool? -Daniel
How does the cold affect your blood? -Graham
I think that at really low temperatures the body uses more energy to heat up the blood so I think you would be tired more often if it were really cold. Is this true? -Honus
What happens to your respiratory system when you go to Antartica? -Ben
Does the temperature affect the way your brain functions? -Jorge
What do you think happens to your pineal gland since the amount of light is different in Antartica? -Savannah
Will waste from humans in rivers and lakes feeding into the ocean become a problem in Antartica? -Jessica
Thanks, Mrs. Hibler's 8th Period Class