Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 08:58

Hello Ms.Lancaster,

How's the food in Chile? is there any cultural wealth you've gained through out your time in Chile

From Henry Eik

Amber Lancaster

I didn't get a chance to eat too much food in Punta Arenas, because wegot on the boat shortly after I got here. However, I did have a lucuma
milk shake and avocado on toast on the way here. Have you ever tried
lucuma ice cream? You can get it at Mitchell's Ice Cream in the
Mission. Go try it and see what you think. It's a fruit that's native
(I think) to Latin/South America.
On this boat, we have people from at least 5 different countries doing
research. I'll be gaining a lot of cultural wealth from all of them.
Yesterday, one of the Koreans on board let me try Royal Han Tea. It's
really sweet and has jujubes, cinnamon, licorice root, pine nuts and
sugar in it. It was delicious.