Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 08:50

Hey there Ms. Lancaster, I hope everything is progressing smoothly. I do not know how well versed you are in the type of research that you are doing, but what have you learned about efficient research on your trip? It seems simple but i'm sure there is a layer of complexity on your procedures. Hopefully you have time to answer. Bye Ms.L -Roger

Amber Lancaster

Everything is going well now that we're starting to move! What's neatabout this cruise is that there are lots of different scientists doing
lots of different research. There are geophysicists, oceanographers,
glaciologists, and biologists on board. They are sharing data and
helping each other out. The Chief Scientists have brilliant minds where
they can somehow see how all these research parts fit together.
Our first big stop is a whale bone that was sunk to the bottom a couple
years ago. I'll be talking about that when we get there on Thursday.
I'm not sure of their exact procedures yet, but I'm sure they will have
specific requirements for taking data.