Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/05/2010 - 09:28


Guess what I saw on my way through Honolulu Harbor last Saturday, the Healy! From the BEST Cruise 07 01 greetings and have fun with your summer adventure! I will be in school in upcountry Maui come August, maybe you would care to correspond with us?

warmly, Maggie Prevenas

Bill Schmoker

Hi Maggie- thanks for the note! Sorry for the delayed reply- I'm on vacation in WI and have intermittent internet access.I've noticed the Healy is nearing Dutch Harbor, AK. The air temperature has been plummeting as it has headed north out of Hawaiian waters- now in the low 40's! (Brrr)
Would love to correspond- please do stay in touch. If all goes to plan the Healy will depart Dutch Harbor on 2 August.
I'd also appreciate any veteran tips- I've been on boats for long days in search of seabirds but have never slept at sea, much less lived on a ship for over a month!
Hope you are enjoying your summer. Best- Bill


Me too!I am spending most of June here in WI. It's my roots, born, raised, went to college, taught, etc. If you are close, maybe we can talk and swap mission stories. By the way, I have a favor to ask you anyway. Let me know. I am on Facebook if you want to contact me.