
Just wondering what you all hope to accomplish this last year of field work in the Kurils?

Also, as a side note...a friend of mine, Natasha, is going to be with you this year! Small world!


KBP Team

Wow-that's a tough one! The KBP is a pretty complex project, with researchers from lots of different disciplines participating (see the official KBP website at http://depts.washington.edu/ikip/index.shtml for more details). The field plan for this summer is
(A) for the archaeologists, to spend 8-10 days at each of 3 different archaeological sites we documented in our first two field seasons, coupled with wide ranging survey effort looking for additional archaeological sites and
(B) for the geologists, to spend 4-8 days at multiple coastal locations documenting tsunami histories (including a 20 m tsunami that struck in Nov 2006) in the archipelago.
The GOALS of that field plan are to try to document the occupation histories of each of the different islands and pair that with the paleo-tsunami and paleo-climate data to determine the degree to which these external factors affected the people living in the Kuril Islands.
---Dr. E