Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 18:46

Dear Mrs. Nikula,

When you are traveling where do you wash your clothes?? Cool Do you just pack a LOT of clothes on the trip??

Makayla Donaldon

Misty Nikula

MakaylaWell, LAST year, we just packed enough clothes for about a week and then washed our particularly dirty things (like socks and underwear) once a week or so onboard the Gipanis in the little laundry room. Then it took about 2-3 days for our stuff to dry! We only washed our field gear - like pants and stuff - maybe only once or not at all. We wore them everyday, so we couldn't wait for them to dry AND they just got more diry each day anyway. The washer on Gipanis wasn't very good, so it didn't get really dirty stuff like muddy pants very clean anyway.
This year, I think that we will either - wash some "essentials" in a stream or lake and/or wait to wash stuff until we are back on the Iskatel. I'll be sure to let you know when I find out, so stay tuned!
Ms Nikula