Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 11:24

Ms. N,

It's great that you've finally arrived on the islands and have obviously established at least some satellite communications. I was interested in your use of "Sputnik" with regards to the phones, since when I was a bit younger (October 4, 1957 if I remember correctly) the Sputnik launch was a big deal for the Russians. I should have realized the word would come into the common vocabulary.

I was wondering whether you had a crash course in Russian over the summer in anticipation of this trip, once you found out you were coming back.  And Zoe wants to learn Russian (we're trying to find a tutor), so if you anticipate a third trip maybe the two of you can be a small but enthusiastic class of Russian learners.

Chuck B. 

Misty Nikula

ChuckZdras Vyooti!
Which is roughly "Hello!"
My Russian colloquial speech is improving, though I STILL know far more words for foods than anything else!
Sputnik is the Russian word for "satellite" so they call he satellite phone the sputnik telefon.
I did take a 6 week Beginning Russian course at WCC in the Winter Qtr, which helped some, but I haven't had much practice - until now.
I am (of course) hoping for a third trip and would plan to try and find time to do even more Russian learning before then.  I would recommend Rosetta Stone - I started using it at the end of last summer and liked it - plus maybe a pen pal.  I also know that they have lots of Russian stores, etc out by WCC and maybe even special nights or meals where they speak Russian.  You might be able to find out the name of the Russian teacher from the college and contact her for more information.
Da Svidanya!