Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 07:20

How do you think this trip will be different then the last you went to and what do you hope to find out?

Misty Nikula

KaimiWell, this trip will be different in that we will be spending a LOT more time on shore.
I think that this trip will be better in that I have a better idea of what to expect AND I will be sure to pack so that at least part of my clothes and gear will arrive in Russia.
The Iskatel, our ship for this year, is reportedly not "as good" as the Gipanis.....
We hope to find out more about the two main locations that we will be working - Vodapadnaya on Simushir and Drobnyye on Shiashkotan. We will be doing longer, more thorough archaeological digs and bigger geologic surveys. I WILL get to learn more about how careful archaeology is done, since last year what we did was always so fast!
Ms Nikula