Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 13:30

Hi Mrs. Nikula. From last year, can you tell if this time around will be more exciting, now that you know what to do, or will it be dull, now that you know whats coming.

Misty Nikula

SeanThat is a really good question!  
I think that in some ways there will be things that are not as new and novel, but there will be so many new things to do and the routines will be different since we are on the islands camping for most of the time that I will definitely NOT be boring!  Knowing a bit more what the islands and Russia is like make me feel more confident about the trip and ready to be a bigger part of the scientific team.  Even though we will be going to places that we worked at last year - we only spent 1-2 days at those sites and this year we will spend 8-10 days so we will be able to explore more and learn a lot more about them ion that time!
Ms Nikula