Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 09:56

What kind of experiments are you going to do on this trip? InnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocentInnocent

Misty Nikula

Alyssa -Hmmm, why so many angel smilies?

We won't be doing experiments this summer as much as we will be collecting more data in two locations - archaeology and geology data - at the Drobnyye and Vodopadnaya sites.  We will be trying to collect enough information to be able to tell when different poeples lived there and what they might have eaten.
Ms Nikula