Hi Misty, I have been trying to catch up on your expedition- I was out of town without cell phone and internet for several weeks (nice, actually!)

A couple of us were reading about the typhoon the last week of July. Are they common this time of the year there? How strong were the winds (mph). We read about the mess it made with your tents, what about the excavation sites? Sounds like you all have had your share of tempermental weather!

Stay dry Smile


Misty Nikula

Lollie Thanks for the question! This year we have had two typhoons (which are mostly just large low pressure storms). Last year, we only had one - at the very end of the field season and one other that blew out to sea before it got to us. I think that they are "relatively" common at this time of year, but I don't really know if this year has had more or fewer overall.
The excavation sites have been alright - we were able to cover them so that they didn't get too rainy while we worked. The winds are pretty strong - I would guess about 20-30 mph with gusts up to 60-70? But that is only my guess.
Keep reading and writing! Misty