Hi Misty and crew!

It's hard to believe that you are all on your way to Russia!

Thanks for posting from Korea as it is fun to read about your journey and know that you still have your bags....so far!

I love the details about your 24-hour day, although it makes me tired just reading it!

A big hello to everyone and I look forward to about Part II of your journey to Russia!

Cheers, Janet

Misty Nikula

JanetThanks for the feedback! It has been a much more enjoyable (though longer) trip this time!
I am at the Internet Cafe - and hadn't anticipated that I wouldnt' be able to open my Word 2007 file! Eeek!
So I am going to upload the pictures, but then send the journal as an attachment.  Hopefully you can figure out all of the inserts, since I didn't look it over one last time.....