Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 05:42

Smile Hi ! My name is Nicole ! On your journal November 7.  You talked about Algae you saw. How many years ago do you think that the Algae was put there? Why would it have white spots on it? I hope that all is well and hope that you are having a good time.



Robin Ellwood

Hello Nicole!
What a great question! The algae in the lake is thought to be the same type of living thing that started life on this planet. It is also made up of the types of organisms that researchers look for signs of life on other planets. Isn't that cool?!
Nobody put the algae in the lake; the conditions were right for it to grow on its own. It's pretty impressive stuff! It has been here for thousands of years!
The white spots on some of it is believed to be a virus, but I am not sure that there is absolute confirmation of that yet. 
Keep thinking up the great questions!