Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 22:08

Hi Ms. Ellwood!

I hope that you are having fun and that things are going great! I am really glad that you are proud of me cause I have worked hard these last couple of years! Anyway I do remember doing the glacier progject. Along with the road kill study/unit and Rube Goldberg machine/inventions project that we did with the enite class. Now that was fun!I also remember doing ABE (Adventure Basic Education) with the rock wall and the different actives. Are you still doing that? I also enjoyed going to the school dances. In fact thoses were some of the best dances that I ever went too. I did not attend my prom and I was ok with that. I was alrealy out of the Portsmouth/Rye area by then. I did not know too many people in high school!

I came back to Rye in the summer of 2006 for a little while and one afternoon I took a walk by the school. In fact I did the exact same walk from the school to my house like I did so many years ago. I went to check out the house that I grew up in and I got to walk inside it. I was able to check it out and that was a fun thing to do. AHH! so many memories.

I am really glad that I have a facebook account cause I have tons of fomer classmatees from the Rye area! I will come by and say hi to you and everyone after you get back. Even though the staff  has change it still is the same building that I knew and that makes me happy!

Your Former Student

Cordelia White

Robin Ellwood

Hello Cordelia,
I can't wait to see you! I'm so glad you will stop by school some time - it will be great to catch up and say hello in person!
I am working on getting an adventure based science program going at school, so the old ABL activities will come in handy! 
Sounds like you had a great "trip down memory lane"! 
Hope you are well!