Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 05:47

Howmany Experiments currently being monitered in Lake Hore. How many are you the team monitoring. from your student Joey A.

p.s. cant wit to talk to you.Laughing

Robin Ellwood

Hello Joey!
I look forward to talking with you as well! It will be fun!
There are many experiements going on in the lake at the moment. There are several different teams working in the lake - although our team is the only one in camp at the moment. There is a "stream team" coming soon that will be monitoring the streams that flow into the lake from the glaciers during summer melt.
At the moment, we have 3 expereiments going that we have set out this season. There are 2 others that we are "watching" that were set out in years past. There's a lot going on!
Chat with you soon! 