Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 02:40

Congratulations students of Rye Jr. High and Ms. Ellwood for a successful launch of ScubaDooba Doo! All that time and effort paid off! In the world of science and research that's not always the case. Encouraging to know all the obstacles and challenges of creating, shipping and launching in the cold seas were not insurmountable!

The seventh graders have been following along with your journals as we study the polar regions in all of our classes. 

Ms. Ellwood, thank you for providing students (and adults) with opportunities to apply their skills in real life projects and primary source information about real life research! Also want to thank the organizations (specifically, PolarTREC) and individuals (Dr. Doran's team, McMurdo staff, etc.) who recognize experiences like this can motivate and inspire students of all ages. This has been an amazing journey for us in New Hampshire too!

-Sheila Adams and the 7th grade of Rye Jr. High


Kylie W.

Hi Ms.Ellwood,
Thats cool that ScoobaDoobaDoo got launched! Sounds like your having alot of fun!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Kylie W.
RJH 7th Grade

Robin Ellwood

Thank you - it has been an amazing journey - and there is still lots more to come!
I have received emails and messages from all over the world; it is amazing how far one persons journey can travel!