Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 05:01

Hi Mr. Kelley,

I am at Green Mountain Union High School this summer with Mrs. Neff.  We are doing some of what you are doing, exploring.  It looks like you have found some interesting things.  I have found some interesting things too!  I have found, bricks, an old dice and tadpoles.  I am pretending to be an archaeologist.  Do you like what you are doing?  What other animals have you seen?  The science lab looks huge, how big is it? Mrs Neff and I will be checking in again.  Bye, Michael 

Frank Kelley

Hi Michael and Mrs. Neff, How are things going over at the High School? Are you both behaving yourselves? I am glad to hear that you are doing some exploring. Great discoveries too!! Do you think you could write a journal entry about it? Maybe include a map or some sketches? If you send it to me I might be able to add it to one of my journals and put it up on the website!!
I really like what I am doing, it is hard work, yet I feel like I am making a difference and that's what is important. I've seen lots of cool animals, the owls were my favorite so far. We watched some whales yesterday off the coast. I've seen so many bones that I will do a journal entry just on bones. Have you found any bones?
Well, say "Hi" to Mrs. Neff and the folks at GMUHS. Hope you keep having fun. Thanks for writing!!
Frank (aka Mr. Kelley)


Mr. Kelley,OMG! Wow!  You will not believe it, but we did find bones!  A bird skull and some other bones too!  Mrs Neff and I will clean up the bones and try to find out what kind of bird it is.  Don't worry I am wearing gloves, I'm not going to touch the bones, cool! How do I find out what kind of bird it is? Do you know?   Thanks for emailing me back, I will check in next week.

Frank Kelley

Congratulations on finding the bones!! That's awesome. Glad you're wearing gloves, give the skull a gentle cleaning. To identify the skull is really hard. A couple of options:
1. Get a field guide to birds. I would recommend the Peterson one. Look really closely at the beak of the bird you found and then try to match the beak to a bird in the book that lives in the area with the same beak. For example, a finch has bigger, thicker beak than a robin. The robin's beak is also yellow.
2. Take some pictures and send them along to me. I will then check them out, ask a few people up here to look at them, and see what we can figure out. 
Don't forget to sketch what you find too. A good detailed sketch will help you notice small details.
I'm proud of you and your hard work!! I'll be sharing some bones tomorrow. Keep checking in!!


Hi Mr. Kelley, When are you coming home?  It sounds like you found a lot of bones, how many do you think you found?  I figured out that the bird bones we found was a crow.  The hint was there were black feathers near the bones and the skull is huge.  I think about the assembly at the end of the school year, when you were acting out typing on the computer, and I think you were so funny. I hope to see you when you get back to show you the bones I found and to see what you brought back. I miss you.  Sincerely, Michael John Maly  

Frank Kelley

Hi Michael, Thanks for writing. Great job figuring out the bird you found!! I'm proud of you for solving that mystery.
I have found a lot of bones, but even more wood pieces. We uncovered 150 pieces of material (artifacts) today. About 130 were wood pieces, 5 were marine invertebrate animals, 5 were animal pieces (fur or "gut"), 5 were coal pieces, and 5 were animal bones.
We do see a lot of bones though, and you can probably tell that I like to photograph them.
I'm heading home as soon as I can, looks like I leave on Sat. Aug 16, and I get back to VT on Sun. Aug. 17th. 
I hope to see you too when I get back. I'll look for you at the High School. Have fun, say hi to your family!! Thanks again for reading my journal.
Mr. Kelley