Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 05:46

Hi Frank -

When the Murphys stopped by, I told them about your adventure banding the snowy owl chicks and Jaimee had a great question.  How are nocturnal animals affected by 24 hours of daylight.  If they usually hunt at night and are adapted to that, how do they manage hunting in daylight.  Are they at a disadvantage?

Has the team found any human remains since you have been up there?  Are there any in the Driftwood area or is that in a different section of the beach?  Could you include a sketch of the excavation area?

Missing you - Julie and Marina

Frank Kelley

Hi Julie and Marina,
Thanks for the great questions. I checked on the snowy owls, they tend to hunt throughout the day, mostly at twilight, that makes them diurnal. They do that throughout their range. The barred owls down in VT also vocalize during the day and may hunt as well. The snowy owls seem to be doing fine. If you were a lemming you would not think they were at any disadvantage at all!! 
I don't know much about other night active, nocturnal, animals. I haven't seen that many, at the same time, I haven't gone looking either. 
The team has uncovered more human remains in an area close to the Driftwood feature. More are waiting to be investigated. We have yet to find human remains in the Driftwood feature while I have been here. We have seen signs of worked wood, and stone, which would indicate that someone was there. I need to check the levels that the burial sites are at. They may or may not be at the same level we are working at. 
I will try to pull together a sketch of the entire Point. Have the other maps made sense, are they readable? Thanks for following along, I miss you guys too. Save some of the raspberries for me!! Have fun, Frank