Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 10:15


What is your favorite part of the "cruise" so far?


-Christopher P.

Gerty Ward

Hello Christopher!
My favorite part? Hmmmm this is a tough question. I have experienced somany new things-- from ice observing in a helicopter to seeing Polar Bearsto touring the engine room --- that I cannot really chose one thing. Certainly one of the most exciting days was when we reached 83N, 150W, 7degrees and about 420 miles from the geographic north pole.
One interesting observation is that a compass does not work very well uphere. On the ship, it does not work at all (WHY??) and out on the ice, itgives consistently inconsistent readings. I am told this is due to thefact that we are so close to the magnetic north pole that the verticalcomponent of the magnet force is so much stronger than the horizontalcomponent so the needle points more down than anything else.
Thank you for following along. I am looking forward to advisory this fall
Mrs. W.