Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 09:42


Hi Gerty,

What kind of fish can be caught by hook and line in the Beaufort Sea? Will anyone there be fishing? If so with what kind of tackle? Are you allowed to take the zodiac out for a little fishing - that would be very cool.

Cropsolution Tedd

Gerty Ward

Hi Tedd,
No, we do not use the Zodiac for fishing.  The most important thing to remember about the Arctic is that the surface water temp is usually just below freezing.  As you go deeper, it does not get much warmer (like up to 5 degrees C).  So if you fell in, for example, it would not be a good situation. 
 Sport fishing is done with a rod, and they are catching char.  Spoons are used. Inuits net char and I asked around but no one could come up with another fish that is caught on a rod.  A few years ago chum (dog) salmon was spotted spawning in the McKenzie River and now all 5 salmon species (sockeye, pink, coho or silver, chinook or king) have been seen in the ocean, so it is possible that these fish could be line caught in the future.  Still, fishing conditions are quite challenging here, primarily because of the water temp.  
Thanks for following along!