Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 08:09

Ms. Ward,  with the wonders of the internet and this swell lap top, I have been able to follow your postings from Chicago, Michigan and Washington DC!!  We have enjoyed so much learning about the ways in which you are learning about and measuring changes in the ice and the organisms that depend on this curious ecosystem.  Can you tell us more about how specific sea creatures or organisms in the water have changed as a result of changes in the ice?Wink  P.S.  Love that photo of you in the helicopter! L, Katie, Pat and Reilly

Gerty Ward

Dear Katie, Pat and Reilly,Thanks so much for following along! How changes in the ice might affectthe Arctic ecosystem are not known. However, two examples may give you anidea of the questions that scientists are investigating.
1) Polar bears hunt seals off ice floes. As the amount (surface area) ofice decreases, so does their habitat. Though there have been reports ofpolar bears hunting in open water, generally polar bears need ice fromwhich to hunt for seals. How the bears might adapt to more open water isunknown.
2) Algae that grows on the underside of the ice is a source of food formany types of zooplankton. As the amount of ice decreases, less of thistype of algae is available. What will the zooplankton eat?
Because so little is known about Arctic ecosystems, and the direction ofchange, it is difficult to predict what affects these changes may have.
Happy Summer and thanks for following along!