Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 04:25

Hi I'm Kathy from Macon Early College !

My question is what makes you so interested into your work ? Going out in the cold for days ! I didn't even know people did this. I'm interested about this , it just seems so nice to discover new things ! (: Take care !

Lisa Seff

Hi Kathy! Wow, lots of answers for that question! The researchers are definitely driven by their curiosity on their specific research topic focus. The extreme weather and working conditions seem like just another day at the office for them as they collect oceanographic data and samples. As an educator out in the field with them, it's definitely a mix of loving what I'm learning (the team couldn't be nicer at answering questions and throwing me into the work), excited about figuring out ways to transfer their work to our students and being able to enjoy my passion of being on the water. It's pretty strange how the cold doesn't seem to bother me up here. If you'd told me I'd be comfy out on the deck of a boat on the Arctic Ocean, holding the wet cod end of a plankton net a year ago, I would have thought someone was crazy! But I'm pretty comfortable out there, until near the end of the 19 hour day. Take care, thanks for your interest in our expedition!