Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 13:35

I am a student at St Mark Catholic School. I have heard that in Alaska the daylight is really shorter compared to Florida. How do you get all of your work done before it gets too dark outside?

Lisa Seff

Hi and great question! So the amount of daylight actually depends on the time of year. Due to the Earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees and it's orbit, the # of hours when the sun is above the horizon varies above the Arctic Circle, from 0 to 24 hours. During the equinox's in September and March, Alaska and Florida actually have about the same # of hours of daylight/darkness. (approximately 12 hours of each!)If you'd like to see some neat video of the sun never setting during the summer months above the Arctic Circle, just check out my May 23rd journal at the following link:
Right now it's about 9:45pm and it's still very light out, so lots of time to get our work done!
Take care and thanks for following my journals!