Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 17:24

Hi! Im Olivia i go to Saint Marks i have a question? What type of fish did you see there ?Did you see fish?


Hi Olivia! So glad you're following our expedition! Yes we have seen fish and have even pulled a few up in our plankton tow nets. One that I thought was pretty neat turned out to be from the eelpout family (Zoarcidae). It was an odd fish in that it was a little eel-like, with a flexible tail that wrapped around my finger a bit when I held it. I think it's in one of the video journals sitting in the cod end of the plankton net. All the fish we've seen have been pretty small, less than 5 inches in length. The weather has been very windy so we haven't been out in a bit, but I did take some 3rd graders from the local school out on the boat, that was fun! Hope your school year is off to a great start!
take care and safe seas,