Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/10/2012 - 18:08

Hi, I am in your homeroom class and I would like to ask you something. My Question: has the boat ever been in danger while at sea? And has the boat ever been a danger for a whale or any living creature?

Lisa Seff

Hi Isabella!
That's an interesting question. The other night we were out very late
(actually until 3am this morning) and there were reports of a sunken
barge and a boat floating around somewhere. Being out on a boat working
with heavy equipment and nets over the side on the Arctic Ocean is
serious business. There's always the risk that someone could get hurt
so we're very careful and watch out for each other at all times. Rule
1: Always wear a life jacket.
An interesting story that another researcher just came in and told us
that today, while they were tagging whales, one whale didn't seem to
like the tag and slapped them pretty hard with it's tail! He said he
went flying! Wow. Everyone, including the whale is fine!
take care and we'll see you next week!