Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 16:29


My name is Justin from St.Mark Catholic School in Boynton Beach, Florida

What is the full description of a bowhead whale and how long they live ?

Lisa Seff

Hi Justin and thanks for the great question! Wow, so much to tell you-did you read the Through the Porthole in my Moose and Glaciers journal? It explains how the bowhead got it's name-so that's a good place to start. If you're looking for more information you might check out the following website:
It has great information on the bowhead whale, as well as many other types of cetaceans. I hope this is helpful and if, after reading the article you have more questions about the bowhead, just let me know!
Take care Justing and stay tuned for journals about our work on the boat!