Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 04:22

Hi, My name is Sarah from Macon Early College. I would like to know if you get seasick and what sort of medication you take to prevent it?

Lisa Seff

Hi Sarah! I'm pretty fortunate in that I don't often get seasick. However my dad used to say that every person has their wave, and I have had mine in the past. I used to help with offshore sailboat deliveries from New York to and from the Caribbean, and usually the first day out of sight of land I would get sick for an hour, but then be fine. On this trip I was a bit worried, and really didn't want to be throwing up when I first began to work with the researchers, however my concerns were unfounded, at least so far as I've been fine. The only time I felt just a little like I might be headed to a problem was when Dr. Okkonen opened up a package of mint Oreo cookies! I actually had to hide it under a paper towel because looking at the picture made me a little nauseous!Great question Sarah and thank you for following our expedition!
take care and safe seas,