Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 07:15

Just checking ot see how cold would get on your trip.

Allan Miller

Well if our clothing is any indication it could be far colder than the -30 I'm used to for extremes at home in Alaska.  Raytheon - the contractor that supports Antarctic mission for the National Science Foundation, said we'll be given us bunny boots, baclavas, long underwear, a full winter snow suit, huge mittens and a parka for the overall layer - a total of 30 pounds of extreme weather gear will be given to us in Punta Arenas, Chile this Sunday.  With each of my posts I'll include some basic weather data along with our present latitude and longitude.  My guess - we'll see temps mostly below freezing but not much below zero fahrenheit.  Not too bad - but far different from the temps we get in Alaska during our summer season.