Mr. Miller: Looks like there are a lot of students and people joining you in this expedition- this is great reading about their questions and your answers! Here are some new ones from Texas!
Tanner: Where are you right now, in latitude and longitude? And is there anywhere that we can check location daily?
Esteban: Are there any Ham Radios on board? We have one in our science lab!
Eitan: How will you celebrate Christmas?
Eitan: what is your sleeping bed like? do you have bunkbeds? Is it crowded?
Megan S: Why is it called a 6hr suit?(the red suit)
Cj: Will the ice re-freeze the channel that the Oden is breaking for the supply ships? How long will it stay open?
Chance: Why won't you stop before McMurdo? Is it too dangerous?
Megan: what are the chances of a major snowstorm while you are in the boat?
Eitan: What are you feeling about all this? Ae you happy, excited, scared?
Matt: Was the origianl Mrs. Chippy a cat?
Good luck Mr. Miller, stay warm :)