Hard to believe that just a year ago I was prepping to head off to Punta Arenas to begin the Oden Expedition. My family and I are resettled back in Soldotna, Alaska - having wrapped up my year with National Science Foundation as an Einstein Fellow. For the next two years I will be working as a Statewide Mentor, partnering with 15 first / second year teachers to provide them with whatever assistance they can use to help them have a solid start to their new career. It's an exciting opportunity with great challenges - I'm matched with teachers in schools ranging from the largest high school in the state to a tiny Yupik indian village that can only be reached by boat or snowmachine - definitely draws on my years of teaching and creativity to be able to offer support that is useful and appropriate. This group has been really receptive to ideas related to PolarTREC and IPY - several are looking forward to sharing some Antarctic science with their students through this seasons expeditions.
I've continued to stay connected with International Polar Year in a number of capacities. I've been invited to speak in a variety of venues about K-12 IPY Opportunities: in Perth, Australia this summer at the International Council for the Advancement of Science Education Conference, on an NSTA Web Seminar, at the Alaska Science Teacher's Association conference, for the Dept. of Education's Teacher to Teacher Workshop in Anchorage, and in several teachers classrooms around the state. I'm just wrapping up an article for the January 2008 NSTA Science Teacher magazine that will also highlight ways for teachers to connect with IPY, including PolarTREC. If there is anyway I could give a teacher or school out there some support - please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Easiest way would be by email at: allan.miller [at] email.alaska.edu
My mailing address is:
Allan Miller, Alaska Statewide Mentor Program
PO Box 148
Soldotna, Alaska 99669