Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/16/2008 - 07:30

what is the favorite animal you have seenLaughingTongue outMoney mouthYellSmileSurprisedCool

Jeff Peneston

The most beautiful animals I have seen are the crabeater seals that shine like silver and gold when the low angles of the Antarctic sun strikes their blond fur.
The most amazing and graceful animals are the albatrosses.  The largest flying birds in the world with 10-11 foot wingspans that glide inches above the roughest waves in the Drake Passage, hundreds of miles from land.
But, it is hard to beat the comical antics of the Adelie penguins as they follow each other across the snow covered ice floes.  I was able to sit on the snow and the whole group of Adelies just came right to me.  I have never had a wild animal do that before. They didn’t know what I was but they were not afraid.  It was magical.
Take care, and keep reading my journal,