Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 05:48

  Dear Mr. Peneston,

Hi my name is Dan and I know that this journal entry was a long tome ago but I think that the dogs were going 12.7 miles per hour.  I figured this out by thinking that to get 30 minutes you would have to go 12 miles per hour and it was under 30 miles per hour so I came up with 12.7.  I hope you can answerLaughing


Dan from Shapleigh Elementary 

Jeff Peneston

 Dan!I am glad that you enjoyed my description of the skijoring that I watched in Fairbanks, Alaska back in March.  I had never seen this sport before and it was amazing to watch how fast the dogs were and how much they liked to run.  It is not clear to me how you did your calculations.  The notes I put in the journal were that the dogs ran 6 miles in less than 22 minutes.  In order to calculate the speed in miles/hour you need to start by dividing the 22 minute race by 60 minutes in an hour.  Then you know that the dogs ran 6 miles in .367 hours.  If you divide the miles by the hours you will get an average dog speed of about 16.4 mph.
Keep reading the journal & keep asking questions,
Jeff Peneston