Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/09/2008 - 22:59

Dear Mr. Jeff,

Are there any penguins where you are?  We are studying about them in school.

How big is the iceberg?

IS the sun melting the iceberg?

From The Compass Roses Camp Fire Club

Dear Mr. Jeff,

We want to know what it is like to live on the ship.  Does it get really cold inside the ship.  Mrs. Rosemary told us when she was on an icebreaker that her ship got stuck in the ice.  did your ship get stuck in the ice.  She told us that some whiskers on some man got frozen when some of the guys were out on the top of the ship.  Is that true?

We just wanted to know-  We are making Iceberg punch at our meeting. 

1st Grade Starflight-Capitol Heights MD Ms. Anne is our leader

Jeff Peneston

Compass Roses Camp Fire Club!First, I am sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your question but here goes.
Yes, there both Adelie and Emperor penguins near the ship every day, now that we are in the sea ice.  You can see a short video that I made for my Dec. 13th journal.
Some of the icebergs are a 1000 feet thick and over a mile long,  other pieces of blue glacial ice are the size of a basketball and get mixed with the whiter sea ice.  Yes the sun is melting the sea ice and the glacial ice just as it does every summer in the Antarctic.
The mighty Oden is extremely strong and there is no way that the Captain will let it get stuck in the ice.  Inside the ship it is warm.  Sometimes it is a little too warm for me.  Outside, it is summer here so I haven’t seen the sun go below the horizon for over a week and the temperature outside is only a few degrees below freezing.  That’s very comfortable compared to the winter I am missing in Upstate NY right now.
Living on the Oden is very comfortable.  You can see pictures of my room and where we eat on my journal from Dec 2nd.  My mustache hasn’t frozen yet!
Take care, and keep reading my journal,