Hello Jeff, We love the traditional dance, but are too shy to try. Please let your campers know that we think they "rock," Jillian's class

Jeff Peneston

You are right, our campers are brave and they do rock!
However, our suggestion is that you consider all of the values and learning outcomes when we get our students to try new things, especially if they have to "risk their cool".   Come on, go for it.
What you couldn't see in our video was that some of the kids who came to the session did not feel comfortable with trying a weird new dance and even more would dance only up to the point when I suggested that we video tape their efforts and post them.  But, I let them watch and I think the kids who did dance gained from knowing that they were being brave as well as learning a dance from an arctic culture.  
And don't kid me; you are one of the coolest, bravest and most persuasive people I know.
Take care,