Hi Jeff, thinking of you and all the crew and scientists on the Oden. I enjoyed your iceberg video and remembered our own journey through what I called "Iceberg City" last year :)As you near the final weeks of your voyage, I hope everyone takes time to reflect on all the goodness you have enjoyed as you end this year. My best to all my friends- Happy New Year!! Lollie

Jeff Peneston

We are in the last wild week of science on the Oden and I have taken your words to heart many times.  I will definitely take time to fully enjoy the whole experience.  After over a month at sea, I am still glued to the window in the bridge after midnight as I sit here and stare at the spectacular polar parade going by.  Penguins and seals, petrels and minke whales just don’t get old to me.  And neither does the sea ice and the icebergs or the way that the mighty Oden dance among them.  Well, I guess I really should go to bed………in a few minutes.
Have a great holiday.  I will send your wishes to everyone on board.