Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 08:17

Hi Jeff its Zach New Start. i was wondering if its un comfortable being on that  little boat on sea with other people.

Jeff Peneston

The Oden and the people who live here with me are very comfortable.  It is the kind of small community of people living in a special place that I am used to at the children’s summer camp where I live each summer.  However, for the last day we have all had to endure rather uncomfortable waves that make the ship roll and pitch constantly.  Anything on a table including notebooks, computers and trays of food can end up on the floor if you take your hands off them.   We are all willing to put up with this discomfort because it is the “price we pay” for being able to visit and work in such a magical place as the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.
Take care and keep the questions coming,
Jeff Peneston