Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 07:29

What i have heard about ice sheets is that they are melting and it is bad because now the water level is increasing and there is more floods and hurricanes so more people are dying. It is very sad. What do you think about this?

Jeff Peneston

I think that global climate change is real. But, it is also really complicated. I think there is evidence that glacial ice in most parts of the world is melting faster than it is growing and this will lead to increases in sea level. I think there is evidence that in the last few years, hurricanes in the Atlantic have become more common and more powerful and it seems likely that extra energy in the tropics could be causing it. 
However, I also think that we have to remember that climate change has always occurred on Earth and humans are particularly good at adapting to it.  As sea levels rise, people will generally figure out ways to deal with it.
Thanks for the question,
Jeff Peneston