Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 15:19

can u show us a live video from the ogden and how big it really is?





Thank you 

Jeff Peneston

"Live video"???? However, the problem is that while we are on the Oden off the coast of Antarctica, we will not have internet access.  There is no internet cable running out to the ship so we will only be able to communicate through satellite phone.  Here in the USA you can transmit data through phone lines and even cell and satellite phones, but it is a little like trying to download data through an old fashioned phone modem hooked to your computer. I was told that a 1-minute video file might take an hour to send by sat phone!  And, sat phone time is not cheap! The final answer is that we will definitely not be able to do live streaming video from the ship and I will probably not be able to send video files either.
I will be able to send photos, text and audio files from the ship and I will create a DVD summary of the expedition when I get back and send it to lots of folks.
Thanks for the question and be sure to include your name next time so I know who I am talking to.
Jeff Peneston


hey that is really kool that you are in antatica. be safe and have fun!!!!!!!