Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 19:09

To my friend and colleague Jeff Peneston -

Yesterday we had a snow day, so my email to Liverpool teaching staff had to wait until today. Even with the short time available to respond I have a good # for you. At least 330 Liverpool students participated, some of these just watching. I'm sure w/ the holiday craziness there are a few more I haven't heard from. I also shared your info about the Jan. 7th webinar. I'm teaching at Soule Rd. in the morning so I'll be joining Mr. Clancy's class for the webinar in the afternoon.

Well my friend, Merry Christmas! Remember, you'll be home soon enough. The memories you're making are well worth it, and in the meantime, you're setting a great example for your kids about living life to the fullest.

-Alex Becerra, Sr.

Jeff Peneston

Thanks for helping me to estimate the impact of this program.  I am reminded every day, that I am just the front man for a whole team of people who are helping kids to have the PolarTREC experience.
At several of the classroom presentations I was asked how I was chosen to be a PolarTREC teacher and generally my answer reflected your comment about living life to the fullest.  I hope that kids get the message that you don’t have to sit back and wait for life to just happen to you.  I also hope they get the message that real scientists are often willing to take risks and make sacrifices to search for answers to important questions.  Sometimes science is an adventure!  
Well, my friend, it is the afternoon of Christmas day and I hope you are enjoying every minute of your family’s time.  One of the lessons I have learned this year is just how precious that is.
I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Remember to keep reading my journals over the break.  There are new videos coming!
Take care,
Jeff Peneston