Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 09:46

How do you come back and live a "normal" life after this trip?  You may not be able to answer this yet?  


Mr. Radford's class

Jeff Peneston

Mr. Radford’s Class,
You are right; it is too early for me to guess the ways that this adventure will change my life and my way of viewing things.  However, those people who know me, work with me or live with me would never use the word “normal” to describe my life.  
As soon as I get back I will complete preparations to lead a group of students and parents on a trip this April school break.  We will explore the coral reefs of St. John in the US Virgin Islands.  After that it will be time to get ready to help my wife get Camp Talooli ready for another 1400 kids this summer.  
Normal?  Life is to short for normal.
I am glad you are following my trip.  I think you will like the video that I am trying to post for today  (12/6).
Take care,
Jeff Peneston