Dear Mr Peneston...
This is a query regarding the photo (#12 if 12) entitled, "Mr Peneston Inside the permafrost reseach tunnel facility".
In the picture you are drssed in cold weather gear that seems very appropriate for the cold climate and having all of the necessary safety gear for such a dangerous area. That is very wise on your part!
My question though, is, are you waving to "Us", the viewers of the picture, OR the cameraman (or woman.or, more appropriately, "cameraperson"), OR someone slightly or very far beyond the cameraman/woman/person?
I know ths may seem to be a relativel inconsequentail and frivilous question. but my friends and I are trying to establish a firm sense of time, place, and purpose.
Thank you for your anticipated response...and good luck on your mission!
A.M. Aviello