Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 10:37

Wink do you get scared when you walk acrossed the ice?... like are you afriad that its going to break?....


Well no because it is very fat so probebly it won't break. also it would be cool to walk on ice!

Jeff Peneston

Great question,
I think that for most people, we are afraid of things that we don't understand and things that we are not familiar with.  I have lived most of my life in the outdoors of Upstate New York and I have walked on frozen lakes so many times that I have learned to tell when the ice is safe and then to trust it.  No, I don't think I will be afraid of the sea ice as long as I have people with me who have experience working on sea ice. 
I will admit that there are some things in life that I have little experience with and I am more nervous in those situations. For example, I think the idea of falling off a moving skateboard would make me nervous.  What makes you scared?
Keep the questions coming,
Jeff Peneston  


What animal  have you seen the most off?

Jeff Peneston

I have not left to go to Antarctica yet.  I will join the Oden and go to sea about Dec 1st.
Jeff Peneston


Hi this is Alex Becerrra, Tyler Dorval, and Dom G. What do you like most about Antarctica?


Do you think you will get cold? I know you from Camp Talloli

Alex, Tyler, a…

We were like wondering how many days left to you go to Antarctica.


are you looking forward to your trip


Do you like penguins?

Jeff Peneston

Wow!  Here goes... Yes, I like penguins and I like lots of things about Antarctica, don't you?
No, I'm not concerned with getting cold.  I have always lived in snowy places and I know how to dress for the weather and have fun in the cold.
Check my daily journal and you will see that I left home on 11/25 and I am scheduled to board the Oden on 11/29.  We will get to the edge of the sea ice about 12/12.