Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 07:19

hey team how are you guys? how was it going through the drake passage? did any of youguys get sick? what was it like traveling through  the ice? how are you adapting to the climate? how much samples of "seal snot" have you collected? what was the highest temperature there?



JD middle school 

Jeff Peneston

JD Middle School,
Everyone on the Oden is working hard and having a great experience on the sea ice.  If you want to see about our experiences in the Drake Passage, check out the video and my journal from Dec 6th, it was wild!  I think several people had a problem with being seasick and needed medication.  I didn’t have either.  If you want to see what it is like to travel through the sea ice, which we have been doing for about 2 weeks, check out the iceberg video that I posted on Dec 23.  The seal team has collected samples for about 30 seals so far.  Remember, it is summer here with 24 hours of daylight, so the temperature outside has been very constant between 25-30? F.  I think that the warmest we have seen since we entered the sea ice was about 36? F.
Remember to keep reading my journals over the break.  There are new videos coming!
Take care,