Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 06:13

You recently...well just did tell our class to ask a good question. However I dont really feel like it. So I'm going to ask randomness. Are you really going to wear the penguin hat. If you do don't forget to take pictures and post them. Also are you going to laminate our flag and the put it under sea ice. That would be very  cool. I also was wondering when you are in Antartica what will you see as in landlife.

-Christina Manzi

Ps- If you have no internet acess how will you post your journals??

Jeff Peneston

For “randomness” you sure ask a lot of good questions.Yes, I will wear the penguin hat and prove it with pictures in my journal.Yes, I will put our class flag under the ice if you want me to but it doesn’t need to be laminated.Antarctica doesn’t have very much terrestrial life and I will probably be to far out on the sea ice to see land animals.
Keep the questions coming.
Jeff Peneston


i wish i could go to antarctica too!

Jeff Peneston

Well, in a way, you can go to Antarctica.  When you follow the daily blog and keep asking questions of the team, you become part of the team.
 just keep asking,
Jeff Peneston