Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/02/2008 - 16:06

Hi Jeff!

10' waves and wandering Albatross???  LOSING YOUR EYEBROWS???!!!!   sounds pretty exciting Surprised  we're following along and have some questions....well, lots of questions, but many have already been asked by are you sleeping?  are you seasick?  Tongue outdo you have lots of daylight yet?  of course we want to know about your food about a pet?  Rachel wants to know if you'll come home with a pet?  How quickly will your weather turn cold?  Will all of your experiments take place when you reach the ice? 

We are all excited and happy for you, but we missed you at Thanksgiving Cry  Be safe.  Lots of love from the Arnolds.

Jeff Peneston

Arnold family,
Don’t worry; I didn’t lose my eyebrows in the wind on top of the Oden. I did however meet one of the 2nd Officers who has much bigger eyebrows than me! Can you imagine? I have had no problem controlling seasickness so far. My stomach feels funny when I type for too long and so I take regular breaks and watch the horizon line on the sea out the window. This reminds my confused brain/body that I am on a ship and I am supposed to feel a rolling going on. Currently we are 47? S of the Equator compared to the 43? N you are used to. The sun is just about as high and the days are about as long as a typical summer day for you. The big difference is that the sun is crossing the Northern sky from East to West instead of the Southern sky like we are used to.
Almost all of the science will wait until we reach the sea ice of the Amundsen Sea on the Antarctic coast in another week. I promise Rachel that I will not bring any pets home from my travels. However, about an hour ago I did spot my first pair of Magellanic Penguins floating together on the surface. When the ship was only a few meters from them, they finally dove down and away to hunt for food.
It was amazing!!!!
Take care and keep asking questions,
Love, Uncle Jeff


I didn't think of the sun going across the sky on the other side. I should be ashamed for not knowing that.