Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 10:46

has anyone got sick

Jeff Peneston

This is a great question. If anyone on the Oden gets sick, it could spread to the who ship!On the second day at sea, the ship’s doctor announced that a few people had developed a stomach virus and he wanted to contain it quickly. He posted a requirement that we all needed to report any symptoms that we were feeling and that if we were sick we were not to eat with the rest of the folks in the mess room. We were also instructed to wash our hands frequently and to use hand sanitizer before meals. I am feeling fine and today the doctor said that there are no new people with any sickness. The doctor also gave a brief talk to everyone about the possible medical hazards on board.
Take care and keep the great questions coming,
And next time, include your name with the question so I know who I am talking to,
Jeff Peneston