Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 15:40

Mr.peneston and your team if there is a seal or a peguin sick can your team help the seal or peguin because i was not used to something that is around them

Jeff Peneston

Part of what makes Antarctica so special is that humans have little impact here.  We must continue to only be visitors to most of the continent and part of that means that we have to limit our impact on the wildlife.  The only way that people can impact, touch or even approach penguins and seals is if you have an approved scientific reason and are issued a scientific permit.  No one has a permit to rescue injured penguins or seals.  In nature, those individuals will either get well on their own or they will become part of the food web for other animals.
Sorry, I imagine that was not the answer that you wanted.
Remember to keep reading my journals over the break.  There are new videos coming!
Take care,
Jeff Peneston