Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 07:32

Mr. Peneston do you know how big Mcmurdo station is?

Kooper Kelly Paul Juren

Mr. Beals Earth Science

Period 2

Billings, MT

Jeff Peneston

Kooper Kelly Paul Juren,Thanks for the question!  I have never been to McMurdo Station and I am very excited to go.  However, I have read about it in the journals of some of the PolarTREC teachers from the last 2 years.  McTown is the biggest little town on the Antarctic continent and it is the most important source of support for many of the smaller bases and remote field camps.  It has about 100 buildings and during the busy Antarctic summer (when I will go there) it houses about 1100 people.  Most of them work to make the town run so that the scientists can live and get their work done.  You can find out more about it at
You can also read more about it, see great photos and even listen to a recording of an outdoor music festival held last December in McMurdo by checking out the 2007 PolarTREC journals of Kirk Beckendorf (12/30/07) and Mindy Bell (10/13/07).
I hope this helps you to find an answer to your question.
Take care, have fun & make memories!


100 feet diameter